Welcome!Resources − Planning


The following index lists all the resources (Articles, Training Notes and Health-checks) that have a planning theme. Most of these will be headed in this way, but some may have another heading with a cross-reference to Planning in the box at the end.

All are in pdf. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it.

Ask to come on my bimonthly e-letter mailing list to inform you of new resources as I add them to the site. This link also gives you access to my data privacy notice.

Click on any title in the list below to go to the item in question.


Each item is copyright © John Truscott but you may download the file and/or print up to 30 copies for non-commercial use within your church or mission agency.

If you make multiple copies, please email me to let me know brief details so that I can monitor use. If you want to make more than 30 copies, or wish to use the item beyond your own church/organisation, I reserve the right to make a charge. Please contact me first in this case.  

The planning process

Ref Title
A4 Twelve questions to help you plan
A jargon-free toolkit
A35 Mapping your church
Practical planning tools
A44 Making things happen
Project management for churches
A52 How to run a church vision day
A DIY training aid
TN17 Suggested questions for an annual review
TN25 The radical values that Jesus taught
TN32 What do you mean by 'vision'?
TN48 Let's get purpose statements right
TN54 Creating space for a Planning Retreat
TN64 Help! I'm a consultant
TN74 Understanding values
TN103 How to encourage creative thinking
TN108 What do budgets actually tell us?
TN114 How to prepare a church profile
TN124 What's the point of church?
TN133 Planning the next step
TN138 Categories for church operations
TN140 A checklist for a business plan
TN152 Should a church set 'targets'?

Change and decision-making

Ref Title
A5 How to chair meetings
An orchestral approach
A20 Annual meetings can be different
Ideas to experiment with
A24 Mission-shaped Church Councils
Three ways forward
A40 Going deeper into meetings
1: Planning issues
TN3 The bewildering world of change
TN8 Major decisions: a new approach
TN12 Twenty ideas to help people change
TN34 Closing down a church activity
TN59 Don't you dare change anything!
TN70 Do's and don'ts for a new leader
TN81 Changing the scenery
TN121 Making a case for change
TN125 How to take major decisions

Practical applications

Ref Title
A16 Funding a capital project...
... by direct giving
A30 Take your church away
Organising a special weekend
A43 Every member on active service
How to mobilise your church
A48 Organising your small groups
Choices to be made
A56 Organising pastoral care
... in an all-member culture
TN26 A checklist for an office move
TN42 A review of global mission strategy
TN51 A fresh approach to rural ministry
TN83 The service isn't over yet
TN91 An MOT for disciples of Jesus
TN96 Courtesy in church
TN109 A test for your church's welcome
TN116 Global mission giving
TN134 Integrate your newcomers
TN135 How to conduct a disability audit
TN142 Values create a culture

All the above

Ref Title
HC4 Church Health Review
Part 1: Explanation
HC5 Church Health Review
Part 2: Questions and tests
HC6 Christian Effectiveness Model
Part 1: Explanation
HC7 Christian Effectiveness Model
Part 2: Questions and tests


You characteristically got to the heart of the issues and highlighted these with surgical precision.  It is a very rare and invaluable gift you possess.

Card from a Church of England Bishop on a recent consultancy report - January 2024


Follow John on 'X' (formerly known as Twitter) for (mostly) daily items on church organisation. Several link to the Resources section of this website.