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A16 Funding a capital project ...

... by direct giving

First published on this website in April 2007 and last updated in February 2025

Words: 6700
Size: 247 kB
Themes: Administration , Planning


An article about funding for one-off capital projects (church building, community plans, mission placement abroad). It assumes the bulk of the giving is to come from the congregation's giving rather than from trusts or events.

A: Foundations
The vision – shared vision – possessions – the cost of giving

B: Choices to make

Seven sets of actions for the planning team to consider.

  1. Do we ask the congregation alone or look further afield?
  2. Do we seek only direct giving or allow events/sponsorship?
  3. Do we ban earmarked giving or welcome it?
  4. Do we ask people to give from revenue or capital?
  5. Do we add a second project for mission work elsewhere?
  6. Do we go for the quick kill or the careful campaign?
  7. Do we fund-raise or faith-raise?

C: An action checklist
Sell the vision – keep everyone in touch – include all – encourage giving – organise a Gift Day – plan well ahead - teach and pray.


Here is the link to this item: PDF A16 - Funding a capital project.pdf

Author's notes

This article has been updated in February 2025 with minor changes to the text.