Welcome!ResourcesTraining Notes index − TN138 Categories for church operations

TN138 Categories for church operations

First published on this website in April 2022 and last updated in April 2024

Words: 2000
Size: 164 kB
Themes: Administration , Planning


These notes are written for anyone involved across every aspect of church operations. They provide a categorisation system for the whole operational area based on what I have used for many years.

There are three levels of categories. The top layer has five categories, and in the second layer each of these is broken down into three. These two layers may be summarised as follows:

P:         Operations – people (leadership, management, structures)
O:        Operations – organisation (planning, communication, administration)
L:         Church life (God-ward, us-ward, out-ward)
C:         Church issues (health, debates, overview)
D:         Discipleship (study, Bible, life)

A third layer then gives each second-layer category up to eight sub-divisions.

The hope is that operational staff and volunteers will be able to adapt this outline to fit themselves and their role. I am very aware that these notes will only be of interest to a limited number of people!


Here is the link to this item: PDF TN138 - Categories for church operations.pdf

Author's notes

These notes were updated in April 2024 with minor amendments to the layout.