Welcome!ResourcesTraining Notes index − TN17 Suggested questions for an annual review


First published on this website in August 2004 and last updated in July 2024

Words: 1500
Size: 151 kB
Themes: Management , Planning


To encourage proper but sensitive appraisal of staff and volunteers, these notes provide a framework for such reviews. They may be applied either to an individual or to a team working together.

There are eight questions for the period just completed, each with notes of how to apply them. These cover satisfactions, frustrations, achievements and lessons learned for work and also for spiritual growth.

There are six questions for the period to come which cover matters such as work, relationships, management and resources, and lead to the setting of a number of aims. There are separate lists of changes that might be encouraged for individual members of staff (or volunteers) and for teams.

If you line manage staff or lead a team of any kind, here is advice to help you manage appraisals in a way that develops people into the best that they can be. These notes act as a useful addition to Article A32, Be creative as a line manager.


Here is the link to this item: PDF TN17 - Suggested questions for an annual review.pdf

Author's notes

These notes have been updated with minor amendments in July 2024.