Contact John T: 01727 568325 - E: - 24 High Grove, St Albans AL3 5SU UK rss twitter
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Welcome! − Contact − Contact John
Use this form to join my e-letter mailing list or to contact me personally.
If you are a Church Administrator or Operations Manager and wish to join UCAN, go to their website.
I will respond as quickly as I can and usually within 24 hours. But please note that I shall be unable to deal with completed forms now until Monday 7th October - with apologies for the delay. Note also that my work in person is now normally restricted to the UK.
As alternatives you can get in touch with me at:
Email: Telephone: 01727 568325 24 High Grove, St Albans AL3 5SUThese details are repeated in the black banner at the top of each website page.
You can view a copy of my Privacy Policy on my Privacy and cookies page.
* I need this information as a minimum - also your postal address if you tick the first box.
In sending this form I consent to John processing the personal data I have entered in accordance with his privacy policy.