Welcome!ResourcesTraining Notes index − TN25 The radical values that Jesus taught


First published on this website in October 2005 and last updated in April 2023

Words: 1200
Size: 154 kB
Themes: Planning


It is a good idea for churches and mission agencies to define their 'values', but are we aware of the standards set by Jesus for the Kingdom of God? Here is a set of values analysed from a read through of St Matthew's Gospel. How are we doing?

  1. We are to give Jesus Christ absolute priority
  2. We are to seek the approval of God rather than other people
  3. We are to be vulnerable with each other
  4. We are to be clearly different in our behaviour
  5. We are to be radically different in our attitudes

These are then compared with typical church values which often seem to state:

  • We are welcoming
  • We are vibrant
  • We are nice.

There is also a listing of implications of discipleship. A church is made up of disciples of Jesus Christ so the church values ought to reflect an understanding of what it means to be a disciple.


Here is the link to this item: PDF TN25 - The radical values that Jesus taught.pdf

Author's notes

These notes have been updated in April 2023 with minor amendments to the layout.