One key aspect of my work is to support the work of Church Administrators and Church Operations Managers.
I achieve this in a number of ways.
Many of the items in the Resources section of this website are written with administrative and operational staff in churches in mind. See, for example, items on the Administration theme page but most items will prove relevant to staff.
Distance learning
I lead the tutor team for the UCAN distance learning module for Church Administrators. The academic provider for this course is Cliff College.
I personally support and recommend the work of the UK Church Administrators Network (UCAN). The next page on this website has information about UCAN and how to join if you work as a Church Administrator or Operations Manager in any form in a church.
The Church Office website
I warmly recommend Gavin Smith's work as he develops The Church Office website and its resources for Church Administrators and others.

You will probably never know the extent of the impact of some of the guides and resources you have shared. They are my go-to points of reference.
A church Operations Manager - November 2024
Note that quotes throughout this website come from unsolicited sources and are being continually changed to ensure that all have been received within the past 12 months.
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