Welcome!Vision − Future development

Future development

I am currently well into a programme of succession planning to ensure there are others to take over from me in championing creative church organisation.

October 2017 marked a major point in this process when I handed over the running of the UK Church Administrator Network to a new team. I have handed over other responsibilities in patronage work in 2020. This means that I can now prioritise consultancy, training and, increasingly, writing.

I see UCAN taking over much of my consultancy and training too as I reduce my hours somewhat in 2023. The Directors have the same vision for creative church organisation as I do.

But for 2021 onward one key aim is to make my printed output in the Resources section of this website more widely known and used. I plan to continue writing for as many years as I am able.

I see this shift as creating a record of all my life's learning in creative organisation, so I can create a written log for ongoing use. This will include training materials and histories as well as resources that promote God's gifts of administration and 'how-to' guides for its many elements. 

The new UCAN

Here is a recording of a presentation about the future of UCAN given by four of the new Directors at the Cutting Edge conference on 22nd March 2017:

Presentation of the new UCAN

Joyce Gledhill, Julian Mander, Andy Bagwell and Jules Morgan give a presentation of new UCAN and are commissioned in their role as Directors of the new company, along with Colin Rye and Kevin Lawrence.


The UCAN vision

UCAN proactively working towards enabling the Church in the UK to

  • value the spiritual gifts of administration;
  • give due recognition to those who exercise this ministry (changing present perceptions);
  • rethink Minister training, UCAN speaking directly to Ministers and senior church leaders.
creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The overriding purpose in The Principle of Release has given me validation in my role and helped me refocus on the fact that Parish Administration is a definite vocation and even a calling. It has helped me to see the spiritual side to the role and to feel that I am making a difference.

Email from a student completing the 'Work of a Church Administrator' distance learning course. June 2024