Welcome!Services − Training


The second area of service is to provide church training through workshops (usually for up to 30 people, though I undertake larger speaker events too) and writing assignments.


Church training provides understanding about, motivation for and skills in Christian ministry. I seek to utilise a range of ways in which people can learn effectively to provide an experience that is both memorable and enjoyable.

Workshops can often be conducted in a more general context than consultancy, so groups can benefit from a single event. I only run workshops at the request of a client. Most take one day but some last half a day and others two to three days.

I am available to run any event, from one evening to a residential conference, for individual churches, local groups, clergy groups (eg. CMD), Bible and theological colleges, and staff of mission agencies.


I also offer training through writing. This lacks the impact of a workshop but can be available to a much wider group. I have prepared validated distance learning course modules for three clients and until recently wrote regular articles for one specialist magazine. I also add new material to this website every other month (covered in the Resources section of this site).


I seek to offer in workshops and in writing:

  • wide experience and understanding of church and other Christian work
  • a creative mind willing to explore new ideas
  • an ability to communicate clearly on practical issues
  • an infectious enthusiasm for my subject.

For examples of topics covered, move on to the Topics page. For an idea of pricing, see the Charges page.


Training opportunities have been cut back since Covid but the events I am running include the themes of mission-shaped PCCs, church vision, working with volunteers, different aspects of self-management, and handling stress in ministry.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The course has been immensely helpful to me.

A church Operations Manager on completing the UCAN distance learning course - July 2024


For latest deveopments on all aspects of this website, see the News page.