Welcome!News − New DIY training aid uploaded

New DIY training aid uploaded

8th August 2024

Article A57, How to work with volunteers, has just been uploaded to the Articles index page. This the fourth item in the Articles sub-category of 'DIY training aids'.
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This can be read as a stand-alone, personal article. But it is written with a training session in mind and comes with input for the training enabler and a set of 13 hand-out sheets for partipants.

The training event is divided into three parts. Understanding people looks at why people do and do not volunteer in both the secular world and the Church. This is essential background for what follows. Mobilising volunteers looks through three different lenses at what service in churches is all about. Supporting workers encourages churches to give their workers real back-up through the church culture, printed information, a team rather than a rota approach, and positive affirmation.

This DIY training aid is available to all without charge.