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TN37 To pay or not to pay?

First published on this website in June 2007 and last updated in April 2023

Words: 2000
Size: 148 kB
Themes: Management , Structures


When does a voluntary post in a church get to the point where you should appoint a paid member of staff instead? This is far from a straightforward issue, especially when you have part-time paid staff and volunteers giving longer hours.

These notes give six examples when paid employment makes sense:

  1. when the post requires a full working week
  2. when the post requires set availability times
  3. when the post requires a specialist
  4. when the post requires a pioneering leader
  5. when church members are time-poor
  6. when leaders are diverted from their proper roles.

But there are six potential dangers in following this approach.

  1. a denial of body ministry
  2. confusion over roles
  3. tensions between staff and volunteers
  4. poor staff management
  5. payment
  6. tradition.

Here are valuable principles to inform your discussion and decision-making.


Here is the link to this item: PDF TN37 - To pay or not to pay.pdf

Author's notes

These notes have been updated in April 2023 with minor amendments to the layout.