First published on this website in December 2013 and last updated in October 2023
These notes attempt a generic ‘role definition’ or ‘job description’ of a church leader by freely adapting the wording of the Church of England service of ordination into such a format. The result is applicable to the leaders of any church tradition and provides a perspective that is often lacking today.
The headings that arise are:
- To proclaim the gospel
- To baptise new disciples
- To teach the Scriptures
- To lead in worship
- To minister to the world
- To foster people’s gifts
- To stir up your own gift
- To accept discipline
- To order your life
There are then a series of notes including one that relates to the 'person profile' for a Christian leader taken from various biblical references and written up in Training Notes TN87, What to look for in your leaders.
Here is a wise and biblical template on which to build a specific role definition so that this does not lose the true purpose of a church leader.
Here is the link to this item:
TN78 - The role of a church leader.pdf
Author's notes
These notes were updated in October 2023 with some formatting changes.