Welcome!ResourcesHealth-checks index − HC1 Contrasting CHR and CEM

HC1 Contrasting CHR and CEM

Themes and questions side by side

First published on this website in August 2008 and last updated in January 2025

Words: 1800
Size: 229 kB
Themes: Administration , Communication , Leadership , Management , Planning , Structures


This short article compares and contrasts two of the health-checks included on this website.

The Church Health Review (at HC4 & HC5) is designed to help any Christian church assess and improve its spiritual well-being. It consists of a set of 45 questions to be asked, divided into 15 sections which, between them, form five themes. These are:

  • Godward
  • Usward
  • Outward
  • Leadership
  • Support

The Christian Effectiveness Model (at HC6 & HC7) is designed to help any Christian mission agency or church enterprise assess and improve its effectiveness in ministry. It consists of a set of 48 questions to be asked, divided into 12 sections which, between them, for four themes. These are:

  • Validity
  • Choice
  • Excellence
  • Achievement.

These are all explained through the use of clear diagrams and samples.


Here is the link to this item: PDF HC1 - CHR-CEM comparison.pdf

Author's notes

The Church Health Review was given a makeover in September 2014 and last updated in August 2024.  The Christian Effectiveness Model, similarly, in October 2015 and December 2024. This paper explaining the two was updated in January 2025.