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Visual design for churches

First published on this website in July 2001 and last updated in August 2023

Words: 4000
Size: 214 kB
Themes: Communication


An article for beginners on the importance of visual image.

The importance of visual design
Its value in a church context and idea of overall impression created by publications, signs, website, etc.

The use of logo's
Non-essential but can be valuable – principles for choice – an exercise.

Consistent design features
The profile created through consistency in the use of print fonts, in colours and in other features, with exercises.

Going to a designer
How to find one, and the principle of telling a designer what you want the design to ‘say’ and ‘do’ for you.

Plus a final warning: is the image you are now creating a true one for your church? You may have consistent features but do you have consistent people?


Here is the link to this item: PDF A2 - Watch your image!.pdf

Author's notes

This article was last updated in August 2023 with minor amendments to the design.