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Resources e-letter 24:2 - April 2024

Here are details of two more new sets of Training Notes. TN153 covers the management of church volunteers and TN154 gives some new and creative ideas for leading church prayer sessions. There is also a listing of all resources on the website on the theme of leadership service.
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NEW: How not to manage volunteers!

Many church members ‘manage’ others, usually volunteers. But this is often done badly. So the notes provide eight examples of what can go wrong to show how the volunteers feel in each case. The eight are:

  1. Little idea of the big picture
  2. Instructions that are too vague
  3. Supervision that is overbearing
  4. Goal posts that move
  5. Panic deadlines
  6. Lack of support
  7. No praise or thanks
  8. Little motivation to develop

All eight also apply to normal line management of paid staff. The notes are written from the point of view of the volunteers, but the lessons to learn are for their managers. By taking a ‘how not to’ approach the dangers become apparent and the corrective action can appear more clearly.

Training Notes TN153, How not to manage volunteers!, are now available without charge on the Training Notes index page of this website.


NEW: Prayer sessions that engage

Earlier sets of Training Notes cover innovative ideas for leading church intercessions, writing prayer diaries, and organising prayer in business meetings. Here now is fresh thinking on new ways of structuring a church meeting for prayer. There are four ideas.

First, pray through a church prayer diary, or weekly printed prayer topics on service  sheets. This helps those who find praying aloud intimidating because the topics give ideas and possible wording for a short prayer.

Secondly, use a daily newspaper. Give each person a news or comment page from that day’s edition and let them choose one headline and opening sentence which it is then quite easy to turn into a prayer.  Necessary instructions are provided.

Thirdly, print out a list of local streets/roads in geographical groupings, consider church members who live in each set of roads and pray for them and for their witness to neighbours and others. Or pray for the schools and organisations based in those roads.

Finally, use prayers recorded in Scripture (passages are suggested) for a richer and deeper way of praying than the more feeble words we often use.

Training Notes TN154, Prayer sessions that engage, are now available without charge on the Training Notes index page of this website.

Resources on leadership service

Here is a listing of website resources on this theme.

Articles index page

A19      Speaking so that people listen – For all leaders and preachers
A22/23  Job applications in Christian ministry – Preparation and presentation
A45      How to lead a team at church – Practical help for beginners

Training Notes index page

TN15      How not to delegate!
TN28      No two leaders are the same
TN30      How to give and receive criticism
TN56      Questions for preachers
TN70      Do’s and don’ts for a new leader
TN94      Becoming self-aware
TN120    Lessons for leaders
TN127    Identify your church’s groups
TN142    Values create a culture


You can download a leaflet listing all 219 items from the Resources page of the website (scroll down to ‘Print your own listing’).

Please ensure all these materials are widely promoted in your church. Thank you for your interest in my website.