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Resources e-letter 15:5 - October 2015

The main item this time is news of the republished Christian Effectiveness Model. This is designed to measure effectiveness in a Christian mission agency or church enterprise. There is also a listing of resources on church business meetings and news of Administrator Area Training Days in November.
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Major revision of The Christian Effectiveness Model (CEM)

There are two major assessment models in the Health-checks section of my website. Last year I reworked the Church Health Review into a new format, and now I have done the same for the Christian Effectiveness Model. This was republished on 8th October.

This is designed for a wide range of Christian mission agencies but can easily be adapted for use by a church enterprise such as a café or playgroup.

The Model provides ideas for how to measure the concept of effectiveness in Christian ministry and is based on four themes:

  • VALIDITY: covering Foundations, Mission and Calling
  • CHOICE: covering Leadership, Strategy and Change
  • EXCELLENCE: covering Staffing, Support and Service
  • ACHIEVEMENT: covering Impact, Perceptions and Faithfulness.

The Model is introduced in paper HC06 and all the questions and sample tests are listed and explained in paper HC07.

Resources on church business meetings

Here are resources from the Structures index page relating to church meetings. Which of these would be especially relevant for your church just now? A for Articles, TN for Training Notes.

A5      How to chair meetings – An orchestral approach
A20     Annual meetings can be different – Ideas to experiment with
A24     Mission-shaped Church Councils - Three ways forward
TN8    Major decisions: a new approach
TN13   A purpose statement for those who chair
TN45   Are you sure it’s minutes you need?
TN58   Beware committees
TN61   Mapping out a meeting
TN71   Seatings for meetings
TN88   Advice to a new committee member

Church Administrator days: Tonbridge/Leeds/Southampton

If your church employs any kind of Administrator and you are within reach of one of these three venues, please ensure they book for these UCAN Area Training Days.

  • Tonbridge – Wednesday 18th November
  • Leeds – Tuesday 24th November
  • Southampton – Monday 30th November

Southampton is filling well at present, Tonbridge and Leeds rather more slowly. See the UCAN Events page of my website.