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Resources e-letters

These are bimonthly emails sent to those who have asked to come on to the mailing list. They announce the arrival of new items in the main Resources pages of this website where there are now over 200 different Articles, sets of Training Notes and Health-checks, all available without charge.

Click on the red heading to read the full e-letter. To come on to the mailing list to receive these as they are published, see the Contact John page in this section.

Resources e-letter 13:2 - April 2013

The April issue gives details of a double set of Training Notes called Church administration explained, published at TN72 and TN73. There is also brief news from the UK Church Administrator Network and a listing of all resources relating to meetings.

Resources e-letter 13:1 - February 2013

This e-letter gives news of the latest article to be published on the website. A30, Take your church away, gives detailed advice on organising a church weekend. There is also news of a special Area Training Day for Church Administrators to be held in central London on 22nd April.

Resources e-letter 12:6 - December 2012

TN71, Seatings for meetings, is the title of the latest set of Training Notes to be uploaded to the site. The notes encourage churches to study seating layouts for their business meetings as these can have a powerful impact on effectiveness.

Resources e-letter 12:5 - October 2012

Another two sets of Training Notes have just been published on the site. TN69, Creative prayer diaries, gives three ideas for what may be a new approach for you. TN70. Do's and don'ts for a new leader, provides eight of each for Ministers taking up a new appointment.

Resources e-letter 12:4 - August 2012

Here are details of two new sets of Training Notes for the summer.  TN67 Stress and the Christian worker is for everyone. TN68 Administrators who miss the point is for all who have an administrative role of any kind. There is also news of UCAN events.

Resources e-letter 12:3 - June 2012

The June issue celebrates the uploading of the one hundredth item to be added to the website. Article A29, A basic guide to paper and print, provides a beginner's guide to how to communicate well in the printed medium.

Resources e-letter 12:2 - April 2012

The issue provides an outline of two new sets of Training Notes to be uploaded to the Resources section of the website. TN65: Sharp interview questions supplements Article A17 on selection processes for church or mission agency staff. TN66: A daily office for church staff considers the issue of a church's staff all working from one base.

Resources e-letter 12:1 - February 2012

This e-letter announces the latest Article to be uploaded to the site, A28 Rooms to let. This is designed for churches wanting to hire out their premises or review their current arrangements. There is also a note on the site's thematic index pages with examples from the Planning page.

Resources e-letter 11/6 - December 2011

This gives details of a new set of Training Notes just added to the site.  TN64, Help! I'm a consultant, is designed for mission accompaniers and other church consultants but the points apply more widely than this. There are also details of other resources relevant at Christmas.

Resources e-letter 11/5 - October 2011

This gives details of two new sets of Training Notes uploaded to the site in October: TN62, Know what distracts you, and TN63, How not to write a newsletter.  There is also information for Church Administrators.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The review is so articulate, well written and well argued, John. Thank you.

Email from a consultancy project officer - June 2024